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在司法午餐会上,D.C. 法院和法庭.C. 酒吧 Leaders Celebrate Strong Partnership




4月25日,哥伦比亚特区法官和澳门赌场官网齐聚D.C. 酒吧 headquarters for the 2024 Judicial 领导 Luncheon. 主题为“D的下一代”.C. 酒吧:为未来做准备”,该活动突出了D.C. 酒吧, D.C. 澳门赌场官网事务所公益中心,以及D.C. 法院 are facing as well as some their respective accomplishments.

“我明白,不是每个司法管辖区都有我们在哥伦比亚特区享有的那种伙伴关系,” D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会主席小查尔斯·洛厄里. 在他的开场白中说道. “We are the envy of many states around the country. 这就是为什么我们向你们——我们杰出的司法机构——致敬是如此重要,我们认识到我们合作关系的力量.”


D.C. 酒吧 remains the fastest growing unified bar in the country, with members in all 50 states and in 85 counties around the world. The largest number of international 酒吧 members reside in South Korea.

Spagnoletti“That’s largely due to the UBE [Uniform 酒吧 Examination]. 我们以每年约4500名新会员的速度增长,”斯帕诺莱蒂说. “But considering the fact that we have resignations and retirements, we want to put a net gain of between 1,000和2,每年有1000名澳门赌场官网. 所以,我们发展得非常快.”

D.C. 酒吧的财务状况也很好, Spagnoletti说, 它的执照费在全美所有强制性综合酒吧中排名倒数三分之一. “We have been able to operate within budget, 通常返还盈余, and maintain clean audits for six consecutive years,他补充道.

澳门赌场官网协会本财政年度的成就之一是通过了哥伦比亚特区澳门赌场官网协会管理规则的全面修正案.C. 上诉法院, 这是自澳门赌场官网公会50多年前成立以来,《澳门赌场官方软件》首次更新. “有了新的规章制度,D.C. 酒吧 is ready to take on the future,” Spagnoletti说.

未来的, 据Spagnoletti说, 包括采用新技术,扩大对澳门赌场官网协会会员和澳门赌场官网协会的服务.C. 社区. On the technology front, he mentioned a revamp of the D.C. 酒吧的网站, the coming launch of an AI-powered Lawyer Referral Service, 以及帮助会员更多地了解新兴技术的新节目.

最后,他强调了D.C. 澳门赌场官网事务所最新的社区——一个面向早期职业澳门赌场官网,另一个关注澳门赌场官网的福利.


凯利海王星, executive director of the D.C. 酒吧公益中心的报告称,自2020年以来,公益中心已经帮助了大约1万名残疾人.C. residents avoid eviction and improve their housing conditions, thanks in part to the Landlord Tenant Legal Assistance Network.

“今年早些时候,我们达到了一个里程碑,家庭法律援助网络帮助了超过3个家庭,有400人有家事法律问题,海王星说. “在接下来的几个月, 我们会建立新的伙伴关系,组成遗嘱认证法律援助网络. This network will operate a resource center, located in D.C. 高等法院, 为遗嘱认证遗嘱提供简短的服务,并最终提供全面的代理, 授权书, 预先指示.”

海王星还谈到了公益中心是如何拥抱多样性的, 包容, and equity initiatives through special clinics involving Juneteenth, 阵亡将士纪念日, 和退伍军人节, as well as a collaboration with the D.C. LGBTQ澳门赌场官网协会.

凯利海王星“公益中心也在利用技术的力量,大胆地走向其他法律服务机构从未涉足的领域,海王星说, 向与会者提供公益中心与优酷制作的互动视频预览,以帮助公益诉讼人虚拟导航D.C. 高等法院.

In celebrating some of the 公益性服务 Center’s new initiatives, Neptune urged continued support of the legal services 社区. “如你所知,诉诸司法倡议正面临(部分)撤资的风险. 这使我们和许多其他安全网组织处于危险之中。.

午餐后, 尼普顿和洛厄里与市政厅的其他法律服务倡导者一起在D.C. 市长穆丽尔·鲍泽提议削减67%的司法救助资金, 或者超过2100万美元, 在她的2025财政年度预算中.


“我喜欢互动视频, 打开门,移动人,移动地方,移动部件,D说。.C. 上诉法院 Chief Judge Anna Blackburne-Rigsby. “I think it shows how innovative and agile our D.C. 法院 have grown and continue to grow.”

Blackburne-Rigsby thanked her executive staff and the D.C. 酒吧 leadership for their continued commitment to DEI efforts. 她还提到了两天前会见约翰佩顿领导学院2024届学员.

“[It was good] just to see the richness of our D.C. legal 社区 — the different experience levels, 有些来自私人执业, 一些来自政府, some from nonprofit organizations — all across the board,布莱克本-瑞斯比说 of the academy participants. “That’s the richness that makes our D.C. 酒吧 so dynamic and one of the leading bars in the country. And it’s also what makes our judiciary so strong and dynamic.”

她还提到D.C. 法院刚刚完成了对内部种族平等倡议的研究. “数据帮助我们. 我们都有如何改进的想法,”布莱克本-瑞斯比说. “但是当你有数据的时候, 现实世界的经验, and information [on which] to base policies and practices, 我们都会变得更强更好.”

Anita Josey-Herring and Anna Blackburne-Rigsby

但是D.C. 布莱克本-瑞斯比说,法院需要更多的法官来继续努力. D.C. 自2013年以来,上诉法院的9名法官(1名主审法官和8名副法官)的编制尚未满. 目前,该职位有两个空缺. “对于一个九人法庭来说,这大约是司法能力的20%. The 高等法院 has about the same percentage rate, with more than 13 vacancies right now,她补充道。.

“我们很高兴,拜登总统刚刚提名了两名新的上诉法院大法官候选人,布莱克本-瑞斯比说. “所以,我们充满希望. 我们知道,有些候选人已经通过了国会高级法院委员会的提名. 所以,我们正在努力.”

D.C. 高等法院首席法官Anita Josey-Herring也感谢了她的行政人员. After serving on the 高等法院 for nearly 27 years, Josey-Herring is stepping down from the court effective September 30, 2024.

“It’s been a labor of love,乔西-赫林说. “但我决定进入人生不同阶段的部分原因是,世界上发生了太多事情. You don’t want to get to do those things when it’s too late. So, 希望我能有机会与家人和朋友共度时光,做我想做的事情.”

乔西-赫林还重申了D.C. 法院’ struggles with judicial vacancies. 尽管存在这些挑战, 主审法官领导并激励他们的同事真正处理大量案件,乔西-赫林说. “The caseloads are in numbers of 400.”

“All across the courts, everybody is doing what they can. But I do worry about the judges,乔西-赫林说. “I tell people, ‘Judges are people, too.’ The judges are stretched, and we do need assistance. There’s more than enough work to go around. We can’t do what we do without [the D.C. 酒吧). 我们非常感谢你们对我们的支持,感谢你们一年来为我们所做的一切.”


D.C. 高等法院


高等法院 Amends Civil, Criminal Procedure 规则

6月10日,哥伦比亚特区高等法院发布了第24-02号颁布令,修订了《澳门赌场官网》, 6, 15, 和第84条以及修订刑事诉讼规则的第24-03号颁布令, 45, 和62年.

Sadina Montani


萨迪娜·蒙塔尼当选民主党候选人.C. 酒吧当选总统

Sadina Montani, a partner at Crowell & Moring LLP, has been elected president-elect of the D.C. 2024-2025年任期. 蒙塔尼将从7月1日开始担任该职位一年,然后于2025年成为总统. With Montani’s installation, incumbent President-Elect Shaun M. Snyder will become the 酒吧’s 53rd president.
