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Rule 3.在非裁决性诉讼中担任辩护澳门赌场官网

在非裁决性诉讼中在立法机关或行政机关代表委托人的澳门赌场官网,应当表明其以代表身份出庭,并应当符合规则3的规定.3, 3.4(a) through (c), and 3.5.


   [1]在立法机关等机构中担任代表, municipal councils, 以及具有制定规则或制定政策能力的行政和行政机构, lawyers present facts, formulate issues, 并对正在审议的事项进行预先辩论. The decision-making body, like a court, 是否应该能够信赖提交给它的文件的完整性. 在这种机构出庭的澳门赌场官网应当诚实地并按照适用的程序规则处理案件.
   [2]澳门赌场官网没有在非裁决机构出庭的专有权, as they do before a court. 因此,本规则的要求可能使澳门赌场官网受到不适用于澳门赌场官网的规定的约束, 比如非澳门赌场官网说客, who are not lawyers. However, 立法机关和行政机关有权期望澳门赌场官网像对待法院一样对待他们.
   [3] This rule does not apply to representation of a client in a negotiation or other bilateral transaction with a government agency; representation in such a transaction is governed by Rules 4.1 through 4.4.
   [4]这条规则与规则3密切相关.3 through 3.第5条,涉及法庭的行为. 规则1所定义的“法庭”一词.0(n),指裁决机构或准裁决机构.
